Tuesday 7 December 2010

Let the fun filled Anglo-Saxon extravaganza voyage commence...

In 15 hours (perhaps, we’re not very good at the whole counting thing) we (we being Fran and Katie) are departing for a fun filled, adventure ridden Anglo-Saxon extravaganza voyage to Suffolk. Jokes. It’s actually a death trip where our demise is inevitable, whether it be by hypothermia or getting on the wrong side of a drunken, history-crazed, Geordie ex-marine. As if this wasn’t bad enough, there are only FOUR of us going. It is going to be like a fucking family outing where we’re the (overgrown) adopted children being dragged around with force to look at decrepit monuments and ancient hats without a trace of appreciation or integrity. And it’s sodding cold, and that’s not an over reaction, I checked BBC Weather. It’s -5.
Pray for us.
Ginger Slut Luker + Captain Crime Wilkes.

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