Wednesday 27 October 2010


I didn't forget I've just been busy.
But I have been learning stuff.
For example, Francis Pryor doesn't think there were any Anglo-Saxon invasions in the fifth or sixth century AD. Pfff.
And that guy from that TV show on channel four where they all wear orange boiler suits has a wonderful accent and beautiful curly locks - almost as good as Kyle Falconer. I might watch it one day.
And to not wear white socks which aren't yours with no shoes when its been raining and the path to your car is muddy. They will never be the same again. Nor will your relationship with the sock owner.

Saturday 16 October 2010


well here is a picture of a pony then.

i hope you're scared of horses.

Saturday 9 October 2010


I'm not going to forget, can't you just give me twenty quid cause this is a pain in the rrrse.